Tag Archives: All my view

Discrimination or not, that is the question

Here is some truth through my passion of freedom of speech; freedom of speech, empty promises, over qualified, might get bored, and earmarked vacancies, but could it be discrimination? Jeez, this past year I feel that I have experienced them all, especially at work. Very grateful to Leeds Remploy for getting me into work at Enterprise, and very grateful to them too. But then, some facts.

I was promised so much upon achieving that position, and so, that story begins… One thing is for sure, my sarcoidosis is certainly playing up due to some recent events, including the redundancy situation and my want of trying to progress. Read on…






This was at the beginning of August, though told not to worry its human nature to worry.

Dot ankles

First thing that happened was my Ankle dots, this is a first sign that the sarcoid is becoming more active.

Bloodshot eye
This is certainly an activity that sarcoids know only too well, it can quite easily develop into Bilateral Uveitis. On Friday 27th Sept both of my eyes started.

Simply put I just could not understand why I failed at three interviews I should have walked into, other positions came up without being advertised that I was more than capable and qualified to do. This week I recieved a letter saying that my new position is gas restoration administrator, that is a high stress job, the most stressful in in the office that no one likes doing, especially on £6:60/hour, although I have the current tax credits but only till March 2014. If any working position a one in ten sarcoid needs to avoid its a stressful one. No wonder my body has gone and started reacting again, jeez.

When I was at the initial interview I was told plenty of opportunities would be available for me to progress. At home I got a few phone calls from the manager who mentioned ‘off the record’ I would be able to progress pretty quickly with the qualifications and experience I have; qualified plumber, trained in the 5Cs by the SMMT, HNC Technology and Management through Leeds Metropolitan University, and been a manufacturing manager. I had two other jobs on offer through Leeds Remploy, also someone else from my current place of employment at Pottery Fields House in Leeds phoned to offer a position, but I had given my word to the manager of my future team.

Lets cut quite abit out, I asked abit about progression, I was asked by another manager to take my 5C improvements documents and information with me, so I did, and after two weeks of no one showing interest I took them home, that was my first thought that I had made some kind of mistake, but glad to be working, proving to some degree that one in ten sarcoids can work, but I felt my chances of progression were much less than first mentioned.

Lets cut quite abit more out, in June I got a chest infection and ended up on anti-pneumonia tablets, chest infections can unsually kill sarcoids, especially the mentioned one in tens, that I have officially been told I am, proper scary times that. Before being that ill I did not tell work how unwell I felt until later, my lesson learnt to be upfront fully about sarcoidosis. I had a staged return in July with yet some further promises of progression, by the end of July the medics said that they believed I had gone into remision – fantastic!

At that point I thought I may as well start applying for other positions, and at the seem time my team got the redundancy notice, shit, bad timing for me as I need the sarcoid to stay none active. Three interviews later and those other jobs not advertised yet taken, phew, the reasons are absolutely garbage why I am not getting the jobs, the funniest of ‘your 5Cs knowledge and answer were not good enough’ eh! I’m trained by the SMMT – look them up! I even have my plumbing with the gas and pressure systems units. Before the interviews for one of the positions, I was told who would be getting it, then, I overheard two folks chatting about that job, but they must still get the C.V. in, yes that person got the job. I have started to be at a loss why I have not been getting jobs that I am certainly much more capable of than others! 27th September it finally hit me, from my previous experience we know a company is not supposed to discriminate but yes they do, it is not a nice feeling.

In May Enterprise were taken over by Amey, at Pottery Fields House Amey work for Northern Gas Networks, I so thought my experience and knowledge of the 5Cs and construction should have stood me in a great manner of progression, and now the current position that I feel cornered into is causing the sarcoid to raise its ugley head again. Yes my freedom of speech, nothing and no one harmed here apart from my own facts and me. All I wanted was a chance to progress and help the company succeed. Other stuff happened, I am also very glad of being given the chance to work, but we are laerning just what causes the sarcoid to become lively. Now I will stop right here.


This crap about the public sector and strikes

I did work in the public sector, only for a few years but, they are on great packages, I know folks who retired at 53! I know a fireman who went part time in his mid 40’s with no complaints. I know of teachers who said they teach because its ‘fucking’ easy – iv witnesses, oh but then they turn and say ‘its ever so hard’ when they want support. Unless your from a reasonably wealthy ‘not labour rich’ background then the public sector have a far better package than the private sector, its just that not many like to say so, but ffs its true…

Don’t worry

About a thing, as every little thing’s gonna be alright! This past month and abit we have been messing with the Prednisolone, yes, that evil good, one day 10mg and the next 5mg, and from Saturday 13th me, myself and I, erm, we have stuck to 5mg/day, phew, this is for the next month or so, and then for a month or so its 5mg one day and none the next! getting off it and staying in remission is the idea, an idea that will work. Its a far cry yet not too far to remember the 40mg’s/day, phew, that was a mad couple of months!

I have started some other stuff for the site, especially on and more soon to do with ‘Vague Pages’ of which could turn into erm, something a little different, keep on eating…

Back in Work!

Just need to say, back end of this March I started being a pain on a few fronts, especially at work, last October and through Leeds Remploy, Enterprise PLC gave me a brilliant chance of getting back into work, and so my behaviour from March was a little on the odd side, we know why, its a massive positive, my thanks goes out to them for the support.

Just a quick few the other night

So many to recycle, and no I did not really have them all in one go! get them in the recycle bin to be sent for a meltdown, eh, do my bit to help save the planet, hmmm, before North Korea decides to cause some kind of melt down, its on the tins, extra smooth and chilled, the leaders of North Korea really do need to chill out and smooth over that bumpy past.

I’m back, PC has recovered after being well cared for

I believe I have had withdrawal symptoms, so much to write, hmmm, and quickly what to start with, that’s quite easy…

Just watching last weeks QT, jeez, they all have still missed the point. When employed at Airedale hospital the huge majority of ‘trained’ staff were hell bent on telling me how they had a ‘degree’ and that they only carried out ‘trained’ duties, yet they hadn’t a clue about the basics.

As I held a patients hand a nurse tried to close the patients eyes as she passed, that was so bad, its the tip of the iceberg to what I witnessed, I complained a few times and each time got taken into the office. Now my pc is no longer ill, I will breakdown all I witnessed at all levels, appalled, absolutely appalled, I decided not to keep in contact with anyone from that employment.

The article will not be aimed at all I worked with as a very few were very genuine, nice, caring and helpful, a very few is the wording, it must also be mentioned the article will not be aimed at all the NHS, last year they were brilliant for my Dad at the Leeds General Infirmary – the LGI, the article will be aimed at Airedale hospital.

Arrogant neighbours

I love where I am fortunate to live, but a few months ago number 13 upstairs were watering plants without a drip tray, yes the water, dirty water dribbled down my windows leaving a mess, it took me five times to go upstairs and get them to sort it, and so they hired a skip, threw the plants into it, and then they were decorating. Once the skip were removed then this;

It is a mess, its been reported to the housing association, they have forwarded my report to the management group, these folks appear reasonably ‘well off’ yet so messy and arrogant.

This is a super polite letter, these neighbours are ill, but so am I, from my experience’s most ill folks try even more to be clean and tidy, even respect others more, yet keeping very personal. I feel sure most who view this post would agree, we do not like to look out of our window at a mess, rant over!

Black Doc Martens deserve red laces

Finally, I get some red round laces for my black Doc Marten eight eyelet boots, each pair I have bought get sent with black or yellow laces, but for me it just has to be red laces.

Angled in Scarborough

Yeah I know, but sometimes, thing here is, I really can not understand why folks find this as a shock, or they initially did do? I first met him in 1981 ‘who is the old guy sat outside’ this was at Tommy’s  (a mainly cyclist cafe’ in Otley for many years), my pals told me who it were, and so I just said he looked odd, never liked him, met him a few times ‘stand over there, take your clothes off and I will do you, a favour’ was something he once said to a good friends young wife, never liked him…

Just saying, on behalf of my views about Jimmy Savile.

Do you really want to work?

A very interesting article, Beveridge report: From ‘deserving poor’ to ‘scroungers’? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20431729

After experiencing an awful lot lately, a couple of things; ill or not we are thrown in the same bucket, how many times I saw folks hobble into a club/pub with a stick, have drinks then either forget which hand they originally used and/or forget the stick completely, yes I witnessed this many times.

Its a massive subject, I have been involved in conversations that simply say ‘why work when I get more on the dole’ iv heard much more. My doctors and consultants now class me as a one in ten sarcoid, its not a competition but its unofficially known 2/3 of folks who sign on have no intention of working. I have learnt how crap the benefits system can be, iv learnt that many who work there are very genuinely good folks, iv learnt that parts of the benefits system are very helpful, and iv learnt regardless of how ill they tell me I am I need to work, and thankfully I am.

It’s a cycle that is ever increasing, children are brought up in an environment with the single parent or both parents at home, tv with all the channels ever, full internet and on-line gaming, flash mobile phones, no interest in working, plenty of arguments, a possible volatile living, do you get my drift? and if that is all they know then potentially it will continue for generation after generation, give them the Jeremy Kyle lie detector…

Im quite sure the Beveridge report was genuinely about those who really did suffer the slums and such, once upon a time folks were really proud of the council house they got, they looked after it, the garden, the rooms, the neighbours – not always, as I can remember those who did not.

Yes, it goes without saying, many folks will never have the will to work, and even have a relative ‘ok’ living, is it the fault of them or is it the previous generations or simply the ‘system’