Tag Archives: All my view

Many times I’m Misunderstood, like an animal?

You know, when ‘things’ from years gone by catch up, catch up because those from years gone by haven’t a clue how they remind us of those things, erm, things said.

So, after many months I sort of ‘blew’ and kind of said some things that are true. I don’t know, if someone continually harps on and, they annoy me, as to just how bad they have been… Anyway, point being, those who have treated other’s like they are ‘shit’ will never understand how it hurt’s us.

This song, the words eh…

Some folk’s life eh?

Being thrown down steps and unto the kitchen, a growling came from within the room. Oh fuck, that cycle still continued. Pushed and dragged like a light sandbag. ‘Stop it ….., you’ll kill him’ He turned and looked while others came down to see. The look caught eye’s, nothing to be done? Oh, yes it was done. Ffs, this isn’t a poem with words that should meet, yet his memories, ffs…

Me, myself and I, living life in the UK

Well, it’s confirmed that the UK has the poorest folk’s in Western Europe. Where do I start? Should it be back in 2002 when I divorced my ex wife, but then the CSA (Child Support Agency) started the long road of helping to ruin my mind? Well no, lets skip that as I was relatively healthy up until 2009.

In April 2009 a good friend helped me get employment as art technician at Tong High School, Bradford. The day before I was due to start my left eye completely went red. A few other things happened over the following months. I eventually thought it was the job, but I did enjoy the job, so, letting my friend down I left and went to work at Airedale Hospital as a healthcare support worker, I was also involved with improvements (as that is my manufacturing experience) and given the title of ‘lean champion’ and it worked well! The full story of fact’s are here

Right, the above has taken you through about eight years with much detail in the links (blue!). What followed was; illness, loss of job, loss of home and bankruptcy. During that period I was advised that being a single male with no dependants (as my sons dont live with me), I should go to the Citizens Advice Bureau. Hmmm.

The CAB referred me to Shelter yet during this time I was starting to be quite ill. During a visit to Bradford council’s open move’s (part of Incommunities) the very nice lady asked if I had any illness, well yes but they don’t know what it is. Also The CAB had phoned and asked if I was ex forces, again it’s a yes. and everything changed.

I was put in touch with ex forces charity Ssafa, boy did they help, and at a furious pace. So, the government had no interest in helping me, even though I was slowly getting worse with my illness, thank goodness the charities were there. In a lovely area I got my flat, that I feel sure help’s with my mind. Ssafa helped me furnish my new home, and still do. They have been absolutely terrific and I would love to repay them.

Being diagnosed as a one in ten Sarcoidosis sufferer. about one in 100,000 of the population in the UK, is very rare. During this time, and my loss of employment, the ATOS failed me, the assessor actually asked me what Sarcoidosis is! Huh…

In November 2012, I managed to achieved employment through Leeds Remploy, crazy thing is, my medics and the disability section at the benefits office were actually worried that I was going in to work and with a 95 minute commute to and from work in Leeds, a long way by public transport and walking, especially when I need to rest my sarcoid after any form of exercise.

So, as my employers could see and witnessed, sarcoid attacked me without any notice at all. Finally, after 10 months employment which included 53 days sick. Long term sick – yet again, occurred.

June 2014 and that report arrives saying the UK has the poorest folks section in Western Europe. It doesn’t come as a surprise to me as I have experienced what crap genuine ill folk’s have to go through. Atos assessors and their tick box’s over-ruling what the professional medics say…

Steroids failed

Various folk’s tell me to pull myself together, to keep my chin up, it isn’t that bad etc. as I don’t live in certain other countries. No I don’t live in another country, I live in the United Kingdom, that has the poorest section of folk’s in Western Europe yet wealth is growing at 15%/year. Foodbanks and charities are stretched to fuck. My thought; what if I had never been in the Royal Air Force between 1983 and 1985? jeez, scary shit as also my sarcoid can be very nasty.

Maybe some folks need to actually step outside of their protective bubbles and see what it is like – in the UK for a very many folks. I do what I can to help myself. Though it is meant well, for fuck’s sake stop lecturing me on the perspective and hindsight side of thing’s as they are shit!? Illness and death is not a competition, charity starts at home, yet this is the UK.

Many thanks to the folk’s who have been brilliant, and still are…

Bingley and Shipley

Last night I was simply trying to explain about Shipley and Bingley. Bingley used to be a brilliant thriving town with a great nightlife – Porky’s anyone!!! The Aire valley used to be known as the Engineering Valley, so much manufacturing with wool scouring. It’s gone, most of it went oversea’s.

Keeping the story short; Supermarkets offer and bring jobs, which in turn would bring much needed cash to the town’s. In Shipley, Morrison’s were even going to sort the Carr Lane junction by moving the Carnegie and re-building it within the new estate that they were going to help develop. In Bingley the old Bradford and Bingley Building Society building was going to be knocked down, to be replaced by a low level supermarket with parking underneath, and they were going to sort the road structure out from the relief road to the new supermarket – almost straight across from the traffic lights that are already there.

But the supermarkets keep getting knocked back. It seem’s many of those who don’t agree with them don’t actually live local. Engineering, manufacturing, wool, and all the rest have gone for good. Supermarket’s in town bring much needed revenue. Keighley is yet another story, it has been very run down, but at least they allow supermarkets to expand, and it work’s.

I’m most certainly not perfect, right or wrong, I can respect everyone’s view’s, it’s just those who have their heads in the sand in their own idealogical world that frustrate me.


Bacon butty
When I can afford locally sourced good’s then I will and do, but this will never happen on a vast scale while folk’s are skint…

Fact pisses so many folk’s off

You see, you post something factual and the posh hippy defriends you!!!

“As I mentioned, local resource is very expensive. Only the few can afford that, and Bingley does have a climbing middle – upper class. As I said earlier, most are from out of town – please look it up. It’s fact that those against Sainsbury’s put a huge hole in Bingley, B & B’s hideous building could have gone, employment would have climbed and so would have local resource’s – all fact. Bingley and Shipley will now never get enough, Baildon just does – but it’s difficult. Companies move on.”

A reply to … now of Bingley. Fact is stated and not liked…

Reply to Harriet Harman…

V – BLIP all the way!
Churchill-first-V-sign - BLIP

The following is my reply to Harriet Harman;

Hello sender.

I very much doubt it is H.H. that sent the email. Thursday, if I vote it might be the Green’s or Ukip or Respect or whatever… Next year, well, Labour need to do an awful lot more to prove they are in touch with the millions of working class folks on the minimum wage, more so, those on less than £10/hour.

With the wealthy growing at a rate of 15%/year and worth hundreds of £billions then a decent living wage should be £10/hour.

You have no idea how difficult trying to make ends meet actually is.

Three years ago I had an ATOS assesment as I had just been diagnosed with Sarcoidosis. It is making me shake just typing how hideous that meeting was, the ATOS assesor had never heard of sarcoidosis, how can they assess me to fail? My medics went nuts…

I have pretty much voted labour all my life but never have you been so conservative. You do not have any ‘real’ policies that will help us surviving, surviving with the help of charities.

I doubt I will get a personal reply. Within a few months I will be going through that stupendous system as my sarcoid has blown up – again. Even Remploy were surprised at my failing the assesment, yes they got me employment but it caused illness.

My rent has just gone up by 9%, and all the other expenses. Ssafa have been great.

I’m now getting annoyed.

Good bye.

Stuart Briggs.

Mobile number is supplied.

Jeremy Clarkson, you knob!

I posted this as a comment on someone else’s FB status, as mine didn’t seem to be working? Anyways, this #JeremyClarkson thing is getting blown out of all proportion, by some who just don’t like him. oh, my comment;

Coming from Bradford. Through my life I’ve witnessed a lot of ‘positive’ discrimination – I think that’s the term? It’s ok for one group of folks to do/say something, but wrong for another. I saw a lot of this in healthcare, oh, healthcare, I had to turn Panorama off, now that needs investigating. Clarkson, yeah what a knob but that’s what Top Gear is all about, three blokes, mad on cars, and they are ‘cocks’ oh, that word, best watch what I say, some folks will get upset.

In my honest opinion; media, society, folks, who and whatever, the UK is going bonkers, yet other massive issues are out there. Foodbanks is a big issue with me, as are the homeless. Both very close to me…

Turn the photo upside down, then think!

Me, myself and I

January of this 2014, what a strange month. Just need to say I am far from perfect, the bullying article left me feeling quite guilty, really unsure why, I have changed and removed some of the content as I certainly do not wish any distress on most folks.
Me, myself and I.


It most certainly has been a mixture of emotions this week. Some buried memories returned, wrote about some of them, hyper and very low moods, very perplexed. The thought is the heading. I have many issues that can be forgiven, should I forgive? That’s something that needs some thinking about. Like the photo, its a low cloud that looks like we can just touch it, is it out of reach, or is it what we really see?

Its all a big mistery.


Recently I had some reminders of various issues through bullying from my early life. So, I have decided to write about those that can still bother me. Trying to Keep them in order and short, it can also illustrate why I have a fear of water and confined spaces, trust and love, potentially I am dyslexic – I should get checked out? Please follow this link.