When it’s this good, nothing else matters…
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When it’s this good, nothing else matters…
I did say I would try to go about a week without doing politics. In that week it’s been amazing for the UK. We’ve had campaigners in the remain camp just being abusive to the leavers, look, a democratic vote happened, the vote was leave, and behold a few remain took to the streets and social media not accepting democracy = fascist.
The scare tactic to those ‘naive’ remain campers has not materialised. The markets are back, soon the pound will be, the countries that threatened brexit would be a problem are, and have been proved wrong! This is where it can get confusing. Most folks think fascism is from those hard core right wing lots, but, and has now been proved, a daft few of remain took to the streets and any media, to try get their way – that my friends, is fascism.
So much was mentioned about Nigel Farage in front of that dammed poster, yet not alot was mentioned about the dreadfully racist poster; skinhead v old Asian lady on a see-saw, just terrible…
Much is being mentioned about the recent photo of ‘Farage’ in front of a poster. So, very little was mentioned about the poster from that group called ‘OBV’ who posted a poster of a skinhead abusing an old Asian lady. Now, in my simple mind, the most abusive racist poster is most certainly the see-saw one, hands down its dreadful. Why wasn’t this given the huge media shit that the leave campaign get? Oh, erm…
Your choice folks.
Regarding the EU referendum. I have wanted to leave the European Union for a very long time, certainly since I served in the Royal Air Force in the 1980’s, and definitely since 2004. What the leave and remain campaigners say means nothing to me, I was always going to vote out as soon as the opportunity arrived.
All the doom and gloom if ‘we’ remain or leave does my fucking head in. Because I want to leave does not mean I am a racist, bigot, xenophobe etc.
I want the UK to take control of itself.
Stuart Briggs from Yorkshire, England of the United Kingdom.
What is most important news at the moment in the UK? Everything it seems. In no particular order, but why oh why do the wealthy – very wealthy, do everything possible to avoid paying tax? They have so much wealth that paying due tax just wouldn’t cause a hole in their fortunes. Get the tax off them and bail out the steel industry, I mean, the banks got bailed out for £billions, bailing out the steel would be nowhere near as expensive as the dammed banks.
Mind you, Jeremy Corbyn has mentioned that the trident submarines can be used without the missiles, huh? Come on Jeremy, lets abandon trident altogether. build a third aircraft carrier, support ships etc. and have two permanent carrier groups, this is the way the world is going, one nuke launched could mean the end of the world. So, three carrier groups, two permanent, fully equipped with £billions to spare, to help the steel, NHS, poverty in the UK…
IDS resigning, what can be said? Good riddance, but now its waiting time with baited breath how sideways the Crabb will move.
Europe, I will vote out, always been in so time for a change.
Charity starts at home…
I’m very proud to have served in the armed forces. Too many ‘do gooders’ you know the type, we all know of the ‘posh hippies’ that state the world is a wonderful balanced environment. Lets not forget, when I got ill at 45 years of age, ultimately it was left to the forces charities of the Royal British Legion, and Ssafa that helped me resettle, as at the time the government abandoned me, mind you, sarcoidosis played a huge part, fortunately, in an unfortunate way.
Me, I’m a nice geezer…
I posted this to a Facebook friend, he tirelessly raises superb debates…
“I admire many of your recent post’s ****, you are saying what a massive % of folks are thinking. It was asked on here (your page) If I was a supporter of a chap called Don Trump, after absolute minimal research, Don Trump is simply a version of Nigel Farage, and is saying what many dare not say. You ****, like me, do say as we feel, right, wrong, loads of in-betweens, but we can debate, we can acknowledge others views, where as a very few who answer you can’t = facists. Your a brave man and I admire you.”
Oh, facists as they only have their own views, and no way will they acknowledge others.
Anyone find a problem with this photo?
All the men have a brolly, and the women huddle like penguins…
Erm, yesterday I thought Facebook had deleted me due to my very varied views, upon life. Today, my views are still the same. Sorry I wrongly blamed ‘you’ Facebook lot… Blast…
The last few weeks I’ve had some folks say (obviously indirect, & direct), I’m some kind of scrounger – annoyed is an understatement. I have invited a very many folks to live with me for a month, I doubt they would last a week. Anyway’s, you lot need to understand ‘Spike.’
Please get off your ‘dear’ right wing of hard core and understand? Oh, shhh, it will come to you – good luck.
So, no real shocks for myself. But one thing I am fully keeping my word to, that the system is on the verge of collapse. I have always said it will be from 2020 when the ‘true’ revolution starts to take hold. Don’t forget, since 2010 foodbanks have increased to helping one million folks. The poor, ill, disabled and vulnerable have had a terrible time. Oh, all this while the wealthy continue to get even more wealth. Brilliant eh…