
Here I am, left this alone for a while as I’ve been somewhat worried that sarcoid was on my heart. And here are the results…

I’m so so chuffed.

Bradford City Football Club

I can’t believe the negatives that are going on with a section of ‘supporters’ jeez.

The club suffered with that failed takeover fiasco. That was a huge contribution to the end of last season and through to this pre and now season. Imagine tempting players to a club that was almost taken over. This is NOT Phil Parkinson and his management’s fault. It isn’t the chairmen’s fault (as they try do what is best for the club).

I’m frustrated with this start to the 2015-16 season, but the last four years have been terrific.

Some amazing music here…

Have a very good listen to these three songs. Wrote and mixed by Jacob Briggs they are so very different, to each other, and other music. Absolutely amazing…

Breaking Through;

A Room of Two Sides;

The Rise and Fall;

Outdoor furniture

Sometime’s very good natured folk’s leave chairs in reminder of who they are, were? More and more pubs are using outdoor furniture. Yet locally we are having a purge in patio and outdoor furniture stolen. It is so annoying that these low life scum destroy other folk’s good will. Proper pisses me off…

Chair 1
During May this year a nice chair appeared, and then…

Chair 2
It’s gone. Seemingly some twats have stolen it. But I could be wrong?

Obviously I’m a twating scrounger

The last few weeks I’ve had some folks say (obviously indirect, & direct), I’m some kind of scrounger – annoyed is an understatement. I have invited a very many folks to live with me for a month, I doubt they would last a week. Anyway’s, you lot need to understand ‘Spike.’

Please get off your ‘dear’ right wing of hard core and understand? Oh, shhh, it will come to you – good luck.


Chicks on their way

So, these guys have grown loads, which means I must post earlier videos, and get my window (correctly) ready!

Breaking Through

A magical tune, just close those eyes and feel the energy of peace…

Heron 2

Those appointments

The hospital consultant doesn’t think my heart problem is related to sarcoid (hope it isn’t, phew), so we wait for the days testing on 7th July. Told the doctor of my bizarre world, they seemed to get worse a few months ago when the Azathioprine dosage got doubled to 100mg/day, proper bonkers? And, it’s referred back to one of the top skin specialist’ at Yorkshire clinic as them damn feet, arrggghhhh. Oh, as for the heart, I would prefer meds rather than a pacemaker, I just think my body might reject? a pacemaker?
Warm rain

Up coming hospital appointments

Hmmm, today I am to attend Airedale hospital for my regular respiratory meeting. One of the main things is the damn tiredness, it seems to be getting worse. Though, could this be related to the heart problems? After the blue light and sirens, soon I will be seeing the cardiologist for three hours of testing. It could be a number of things? Also, my feet, arrggghhhh…
Foot 1
Foot 2

Sarcoid by Stuart Briggs

The only song on this planet we call earth about Sarcoidosis – and it is terrific! So, if you happen to StumbleUpon this post then please do share and pass the word around…