It wasn’t Doris.

Right on the edge all was stoned.
Being blown wildly Doris had me moaned.
Jetty built solid in 1853.
Arrive at the Crown and given a little tree.

Those bastard stairs scared the fuck out of me.
Those bastard stairs be quiet or you’ll see.
Those bastard stairs a witch chased me.
Those bastard stairs caused me to pee.

The fear of being controlled by it.

Bradford by the sea?
It’s gone Eric.
It’s gone.

Opinions must be accepted, even if disagreed with.

This, I think is spot on. I have changed various elements for privacy, but the message is very clear…

“If supporting the rebuilding of our depleted military, bringing vehicle manufacturing jobs back to Detroit, Michigan and Ohio, stopping Daesh terror on innocents, replacing a failed and money hungry health care system is somehow related to being a Nazi please inform me how? You see, you are actually full of fucking shit. There is no Nazi in the oval office, nor are his supporters Nazis. I imagine a few have and did come out of the woodwork but they are quickly being put in their place. I will not let someone label me and judge me based on my desires to see the USA improve its dire circumstances. You are a judgemental prick and we are no longer friends. Have a good day. I’m sure you mean well, but you also haven’t a clue. Trump supporters are not Nazis. Half of the USA voted for him so you get a grip. We are sick and tired of media brainwashing, left wing idiocy and failed inner city policies and watching great American jobs leave. our veterans commit suicide from lack of care, the list goes on”

…Absolutely amazingly said.

You see, if you want everyone to agree and abide your own opinions and don’t accept anything else, then you are on the verge of fascism. Without dialogue the village called earth is well and truly fucked.

Is the fourth Reich Nigh?

I really don’t want to harp on – again… Trump is doing stuff that he promised he would, stuff that Obama talked about but dare not – it isn’t a Muslim ban, jeez, fake news I guess!?

You fuckwit do-gooder hardcore left fascist nuts, where are you when it comes to other situations? Folks barred from various countries as shown, what about a massive protest against FGM? Protests against homelessness, protests about domestic abuse against men, equal rights for dads, what about ffs I stop there.

I really do want to harp on – again… You all lock yourselves into that nice comfy bubble called home that one day will burst. Your extreme liberalism is ‘killing’ the village called Earth. Folks are getting scared to speak out – not this one!

Wake up, oh, I forgot about the feminists that are just so when it fits them.

Up with menism!

Dammed tangents, arrggghhhh…

I never knew...


Article 50, well he always wanted out so good on him but look, I’ve been and still am a labour fella, I’ve also been quite a militant twat in jobs gone by. Jeremy Corbyn is killing my party. He is getting more and more support from the ‘pretend’ poverty poor lot, those who claim to be working class but don’t actually know what being poor is…

Actually, I can’t be fucking arsed with you lot as you have forgotten your roots, all of you not just these two cunts…



Yes I have and at £25 per year for a garden jeez, that is superb. I was going to get one a few years ago but, I feel sure our minds weren’t ready. My electric bike took me there – not far. My idea is to get a base and shed as then I can use it as my base of retreat. Gardening will be bonkers but no rush, Shed first then think on…


Just to be Clear…

Ok, various protests are happening after Mr Trump gets in. Like the ‘remoaners’ their protests can and are getting quite violent. Let me be clear, those feminist marches that are going on, they are so out of date. They march when it is in their best interests. Let me be even clearer, what if men decided to do a march, after all so much domestic abuse is against men. What about the rate of unreported injuries sustained by men from the woman?

Anyway, tangent rant over. I hold my own personal protests a few times per week, I give to charity and do help others. How many from the current feminist ‘protest’ do I think give to charity? a very few. If anyone is going to protest do not make it about your gender – female. The days of left, right, middle, sitting, standing, gender, everything is beautiful, make love not war etc. etc. those days are gone. Don’t forget, protesters of this type are middle and above ‘classes’ of which most do not give to charity.

Trump, listen, my main fears are for when a rogue nation, a terrorist group, some lone person who is fully pissed off etc. etc – again! When those idiots do and hey ho they will, when they get to finally release some kind of dirty bomb, absolute carnage and nightmare.

What then? You out of touch naive lot: Feminists, hippies, do-gooders, everything’s perfect and lovely etc. etc – again!! Again what then? Go sit outside a terrorist camp base or whatever and wait to be stoned or thrown off a building, ffs I’m bored with you all…

I’m off to hug a tree on this village named earth.

But don’t worry eh.


20 already.

Well, 20 years ago about this time on 7th January and racing into this world Matthew arrived. Already, he has just left his teenage years behind. Wow son, absolutely wow and love you inside out.

Dad Day.

Short and straight road.

From the top it can seem quite long, lots of haze.
A nice gentle push gathers so much pace.
Smiling, as forever you know.
Life can be such a waste.

Ever closer you start to tremble, a mind with lots of thought.
Will the brakes work or is the road too short.
A nervous smile in the wind.
The brakes work, your not caught.

Very eXmas nobody…

Update – me, myself and I…

So, our latest hospital appointment. It seems the bones are showing thinning and wear and tear leading to Osteoporosis. Ok, we are aware that this would happen due to the prescribed medication to try and manage the Sarcoidosis.

The weekly Alendronic acid and then the monthly Ibandronic acid just gave too much in side affects so it had to stop. Next step is to do a yearly infusion, this too has many side affects, especially us with Sarcoidosis. This infusion can actually cause the bones to go brittle and something called ‘jawbone death’ can happen phew. Our teeth are falling out, brushing shows little blood. We are far from perfect when it comes to teeth but it is mainly down to the medication, lack of vitamin D and Calcium and that bastard called Sarcoidosis.

Hmmm, ok we get that, but vitamin D and Calcium supplements can be harmful for those of us who live with Sarcoidosis – are you keeping track?

We are confused…

Me, myself and I…

Are fed up…

New story…

Well, some idea here. Imagine the worlds governments came together to control population growth. Not too much detail but in a nutshell at a given age – lets say 75? Then you no longer qualify for any healthcare and nature takes control…