Category Archives: Photos

Summertime-Clocks done!



So maybe eat better-Hmmm…

Good food.

Looking and feeling good!!!

Trip out to Embsay Railway 22nd March 09

Good day it was

Love this pic.

Yes that place

Yes thats the place…

Shipley Glen

The Glen.

Do you remember the Shipley Glen, the place where we all seemed to go as kids-and grown ups! Click on the wire for a few more.

Would you like to fly my Paperplanes>>>


D & T at its very best, check back soon to see how we went on, On Baildon moor-its on video and very windy!!! Ermmm…

Look at this…

Cheap rent.

Now then, its abit hard to view but the yellow sign does state £50/week to rent, do we bid for the Shipley clock tower? ha ah, I reckon it be a good venue at the top!!!… Not for jumping off mind… Im talking some kind of music club! ha, only joking folks.

Its my turn!!!

Its my turn

Get out of the way…

First curry eaten out for Matt and Jacob on Friday…


The starter was Chicken Pakora, Main course was Lamb Tikka Masala.  Hot stuff baby that evening- lots of water drunk guys eh!!!  It was the Sharma, top curry.

Getting ready!!!

Which shirt

Well its a new suit, pinstripe from Asda, Shirts Tie and Belt from Next, A big problem-Which Shirt? hmmm.

This really is a fav pic.

Love it.

The smile Jacob is fab. Matts was also great but he is on his knees as you can see ha ha…

Oh yes my back!


As you can see I did get the cure for my back-Zonked out-zzz