Category Archives: Events

Happy Birthday Mum.

Happy 76th Birthday Mum.

Dad got Mum a ring! so so rare for folks to stay together these days, in the UK its approaching only about 35% I even took my woolly hat off for them…

Stuart Briggs radio Interview including what is sarcoidosis…

Check out the radio interview.[audio:]

Radio interview.

Radio this Sat evening at 6.30 106.6fm go on have a right good listen…

Hey, radio…

Radio interview arriving, potentially this coming Saturday 27th Nov 2010. Its-The Northern Side BCB 106.6fm. Time I believe is 18:30 – 19:00 or simply 6.30pm till 7.00pm

Shipley Pride jam nights.

I aim on attending every Wednesday, you should all come down!!!


Im playing (in a duo) down at the Shoulder of Mutton, Charlestown, Baildon tomo night-Tues 15th Dec… 1st gig in 2 years-will be great.  C’mon everybody and get down there.

I believe I did…

The songs at PMs but unsure of order!!!:

Lets stick together
Hear I am
C’mon everybody
Summertime blues
Thats alright mama
All over now

Im sure 2 more were played-Hmmm…

So, A jam night I thought?

Great band…

I must find out who they was?  Thing is, when I arrived at the ‘Jam’ night it was no longer a Jam night!!!  Hmmm… I supported this band, I had though been on abit of a boozy time during day but hey-folks seem to enjoy, ok about 20 or so but a good response was heard… Malham was well liked!!! and so was the Purple guitar (Thanks Martin!).  I will return!

Stuart, New Furness, 674 Halifax Road, Buttershaw, Bradford, BD6 2HD.

What? Stuart.
Where? New Furness, 674 Halifax Road, Buttershaw, Bradford, BD6 2HD

Stuart, 147 Snooker Club, Bradford Lane, Laisterdyke, Bradford.

What? Stuart.
Where? 147 Snooker Bar, Bradford Lane, Laisterdyke, Bradford, BD3 8LW