Category Archives: Blog

Have I said before???

When where what and how… did it happen??? it wasn’t asked for and it overtook… maybe its one of those things I guess I need to explain mid 2008… lets see eh… answers again if you think you have any idea what i’m going on about, as i haven’t a clue???

Photo albums.

I will do my best to get the lost albums and blogs back up this week.  One thing, get yourselves to the Lane Ends on the 8th Dec, its gonna be ace.


Top gig again, we really do just keep getting better, thou it took 44 miles to do a 24 mile trip… hmmm… answers welcome!? Tell you what though, those big rugby players enjoy showing their bums… answers are again welcome ha.

Here I am..

Back on-line, still got a big hang-over from the 53/12 band house party last night… gig tonight… OMG my head is ‘bumping’ about… many updates soon, O’ and i should also have a new land line phone so i will be able to answer all my calls again!


My site went down for a while, i’v lost the last 4 weeks blogs but i’m not worried as i just witnessed a really bad accident; a guy was crossing the road and a car hit him at speed, threw him up like a dummy, bad noise and bad sight, i pulled up, took control of the scene, traffic moving, folks away, 999 calls, find who the driver was, give my fav wooly hat to the guys head, etc etc until the 999s arrived, was witness and now i’m home, needed to talk to someone about it… i am, with anyone  readsing this, its left me very shook up.


A video clip has now been loaded onto my acts page… 53/12 its the Saltaire gig.


Yes sir Paul… hang on in there and give her the little amount she deserves.

I dont…

I mean, I don’t usually do serious on this (my site), but Iv just uploaded the wedding pics, I guess that being on my own since early 2002 and being at such a lovely wedding brought it on back home, my boys are in bed, i’m off to bed soon and would love to share my life with a woman… well a woman who loves the things i love and is as passionate about these ‘things’ as me… yeah I feel abit sad/upset… nevermind, I guess it will happen, I really hope so.

Things come in 3’s… but chased by a pig! & more.

Tell you, at the weekend; my car broke down big time, my mobile phone ‘crashed’ with my contacts in, and then my knee caved in…  car fixed, phone replaced, but my knee is knackered and is gonna kneed a scan, what a few days!

On Saturday though, me Jacob and Matthew went for a walk in Cottingley woods to go to the garden shop, when we got to the end of the path a mother pig and her piglets were stood in the way, I said ‘come on guys we be ok’?  But then the mother pig flapped her ears and she was off on the trot towards us at full speed! ha, Matthew was already on his way up the hill and i grabbed Jacob by the scruf and off we went… well we could hardley walk for laughing… amazing, finally been chased by a pig! Brilliant.

I’ve got 2 big photo albums to publish, Tons on my boys and stuff, plus wedding pics from my band’s (53/12) keyboard player big ‘G’.

More updates soon.

So busy, its sometimes a struggle to keep up, but what i will say is; Thurs night (4th Oct) was a great jam down at the Rosse’ pub in Saltaire, I think I will make it a regular visit.