Category Archives: Blog

14 TODAY!!!

Happy Birthday Jacob, enjoy it, See you soon.  XXX


It went great, imagine if 6 months was avail…

More folks on yet another 600 loss…

Keep in touch you guys, you know who you are? my trust left P. W. 8 and yes thats 8 weeks ago… Watch out for W.L.   But Ms Prada is another story in time!!!

Straytown bound…

Well its here!!! I must rush…  But 74 views of ‘Mind My Of Out’ already, well chuffed-Maybe a song or 2 end of play today?  we shall see…  Im Shhaaaking alll oovverrrr!


Down to the studio!  Big Thanks Carolyn, ‘Elvis’ and Martin…  Im well nervous but I believe the songs are ready???…

I aim on having 12+ videos up and running by Xmas, and also the finished (‘Hear’ I am) album polished and selling well!!!  Ermmm.


Iv put the Digg, Mixx etc links on, Hmmm… Unsure how it all works but we shall see eh?

Ohh and I played 5 songs at the Blues Bar last night, went down pretty soundly!

1st Video is up on YouTube…

I just need to learn how to link everything together… Studio this Thurs Fri Sat and Sun, pretty nervous really.

To push though…

Ok it was very windy.


Was it windy?…

Windy walks, Or rides…

Nice hair ‘do’ Jacob.

What do I say!!!?

Abit young for shaving eh?!

Crazy guys… Not at all like me, Ha Ha.