Category Archives: Blog

Sleep… zzzzzz, not.

Well, I hardly slept last night, So many thoughts:  Like 6 years ago I was A Production Shift Manager and after this last 6 years journey im writing blogs on the CSA and my X etc…  It must be great not having to do this?

It would have been great to have been allowed to get on with life but as well as the system my mind was over involved… I explain one day.

Awake dreams last night of going on mountain bike rides with my boys, going on holidays, out for meals, etc. but this requires a lot of money.  Thing is the music is slowly working with Matt and Jacob and I believe jam nights will start next year.

Abit worried about my home, yes im lucky compared to some absent parents? but iv slowly been ground to the current situation, its not a matter of s**t happens and its how you best cope with it, its s**t happens and your not allowed to get away from it.

Well its Blackpool today for the video to ‘Vision’ and my bet is it gonna be freezing!!!???…  O’ and Harrogate tonight!

So what brings it on???…

Gear is good.

Well iv some kind of choice to  what ever band I join/form next year, soon would be very good.

Music and Vids.

Well yesterday and today we had to cancel the 2 vids we had planned, put back till next week now.

I am though looking at which is the best way to advertise to form/join a band, Im hoping for something down the lines of: Punk Rock Blues with some occasional acoustic played!?

White Xmas may be due?


Is this the best snow for years now?

Well readers and more…

Iv followed even the Police advise and still She dont…

Rite, the next bit: this last few days have almost been like a single dads struggle-ok it has and is but im mainly doing this throu the life of Stu Briggs… A positive is behind all reasons but as many of you readers know… also a negative appears… try try try for the positive, i promise i try, very hard… i so hope some of you folks understand-my ‘X’ dont therefore that reflexs on ‘our’ boys…

Honest Stu.

Its still about my life and struggle… I love all good and great folks out there, iv some very very above all else  friends, I thank you guys… Thank You.

No beard (Goateee)… But a glow… We see, nothing???

Is it?

You and I believe now!!!… erm… well whatever, who cares…

Police involved…

Im amazed, iv had contact from the police… my X wife went to see them saying how nasty I am… fact is I was very firm saying that she should not think about using our boys ‘ever ever’ again through what is happening… ok it was abit like ‘WTF WTF you trying to do, dont ever threaten to use our boys again’… it was on those lines… she said she was gonna involve one of our boys…

Iv on many occasions thought about asking for her help and advice, 18 years was a very very long time for someone who you loved and cared for, and then to ‘taste’ the fact of adultary… not good.

Hey say what you want folks… Ok?

CSA and the ‘X’

Well, You all know I lost my job on 5th Nov (I failed my probationary period) and Iv also mentioned Iv had about 20 jobs in 6 years.

One of the reasons Iv had so many jobs is the fact Iv found it very difficult to concentrate my thoughts on work when so much S**t is going on with the CSA and my fab ‘X’.

Last month we agreed to sort it direct, (£200 and that is an unofficial amount X couples seem to come to agree) but way hey the CSA sent a letter demanding I now pay £398.97 A month.

Over the last 6 years they have taken up to 43% of my earnings leaving me with minus figures, folks dont understand that I am stuck on the old calculation and not the ‘old’ recent 15, 20, or 25% calculations.  The CSA dont take into account: home improvement loans, credit cards, car loans etc  I had all these but had to re-mortgage to pay off them due to the minus figures.  Iv also (on occasions) come to within 4 weeks of loosing my (and my boys) home (my eldest son asked me this weekend what a mortgage was).

My X wife is a teacher but she seems to be stuck in the cuckoo land of her teaching, she has been and still is wicked, I would love to put into print (one day I will) just exactly the sick ‘things’ she put me through while having men? (how many) on the side…  Yes I wasnt perfect and on a couple of occasions wasnt nice…

She often says ‘you should have moved on now after 6years’  Hey surprise surprise thousands of single dads are going through the same S**t because (X’s + CSA = sub human creatures) the system  does’nt allow them to move on as a ‘proper’ dad or even human being.

How Id love to get on and afford the normal stuff a nice crazy normal dad deserves… inc a nice normal lady and not a wicked cheat…  Yes you bet your Assess im bitter to what these sub human  creatures RIP us through… Arghhh!!! Rant over, for now.


More vids over next couple of weeks:

Hear i am,  in the Blues Bar before it opens-prob next Tues.
Txts, This will be in an M & S car park!!!
CSA, Has been arranged for a small church room…
Vision, To be filmed in Blackpool.
I’ll find, Arsgarth falls (I think thats the spelling?!).

Then more covers are on the way:

Lets stick together, In Saltaire (down Victoria road) but in the church grounds!!!
Mona, still working on that.
Pride and Still havent found-Still working on them…

Also been trying to get support slots with local bands, Also when vids pretty much complete for now then its hardcore jam nights as many as poss…

Dentist today!!!

Yes she was very nice!!! but I was sort of laughing while she was bent over working on me, I think they kindly thought I was abit crazy???