Category Archives: Blog

An afternoon in Leeds.

Well only a few pics cos of my phone!

Leeds train station

The pics actually just show an anti-war demonstration…  Very good.

Cheese Orange?!

Hey I managed to load a pic before my phone slept again!


The other day we left some smooth Orange overnight, Well some years ago we went to the Cheese factory in Hawes North Yorkshire and a great smelling time we had!  As we know Milk is separated to make the Cheese.  So we (Me, Matt and Jacob) thought this if left long enough would form Orange Cheese-But non of us tasted it though it does look Yummm!!!

Tell you of dreams…

Strange few nights of a week during the last few weeks, I keep getting the same dream-A car (its like a mini?) stops and the driver shouts me, I know her but its a complete surprise, im actually walking back from a local shop and still no job… Cars are stuck behind and she doesnt care-I get in and thats it, I usually wake huh…

Crazy eh,  crazy thing is its this year!!! Woah slow down ha ha…  Still not sure which song to do on Sat morn at the comp-It looks poss like “Hear” I am.  but prob Malham or CSA, with a thought of Mind My Of Out, I guess it includes I’ll Find, lol…Decisions are sort of good!!!  My phone is dead-soz I cant get pics on-line.


The other day my Jacob was reading the paper and he saw the page talking about closure of over 20 food outlets-He asked if someone would be affected, he never met her but maybe I mentioned her too much???  They do read us good folks well-thats our children…

And almost finally.

CSA let me know they want almost £4,500.00 Im soon due off-line as i cant afford the media bill, will blog again. Bye for now…

The crazy factual world of Unemployed Skint Single ‘Absent’ but nice Dad Stu.

As for music-Lol.

This pic is great, bad copy thou…

Jacob, Me, My dad, My grandad… I miss my Grandad big time.  I would love to have been able to tell him of so much love i have for him… Im told he knew, Really we dont know? Its like so many other thoughts and not being able to show or tell… Check my hair thou ha ha.

Many whys!!!

But i only say a few whys…

Why did i miss the drink alone song off my album-hmmm, when you hear it you will love it, but it will be on video now, get it ready for next album lol,

Why has my site over last few weeks turned into an anti CSA and system site, I am a fun believer!!!

Why is it so many of us ‘decent’ folks in our mid 40s are so so damaged and look for the easy option of relationship after relationship  (thou not correct) out?

Why cant i get a job even with a great CV.

Why… you know what im sayin??? i hope.

Finally got my poem for the ‘Drink alone’ song.

Drink alone.

In a bottle in a box or in a tin.
Is this what we call meditatin.
In a bottle in a box or in a tin.
Is this really called my medicin.

I dont know, but I care, whats in there.

Just another one and then i’ll be done.
Order my takeaway and it will soon come.
Just another one and then i’ll be done.
Had my takeaway now this aint fun.

I dont know, but I care, whats in them.


In a bottle in a box or in a tin.
This really is my medicin.
In a bottle in a box or in a tin.
This is a fight that I must win.

I dont know, but I care, its shit I swear.

Not bad i reckon- hick hick hick!!!

Hey its close.

Close win
Hey Matt, you cant really see son but a super close win on Shogun, 2 Ninjas and 2 Cavelry left standing-closest ever!

School ties!

Matts tie
Matts Tie…

Jacobs Tie
Jacobs Tie…

Tell you what though, Both of you guys are good looking ‘Geezers’, Must be my part of the Gene pot lol…