Category Archives: Blog

No Poem but…

Happy birthday.

Getting ready!!!

Which shirt

Well its a new suit, pinstripe from Asda, Shirts Tie and Belt from Next, A big problem-Which Shirt? hmmm.

More news.

Well folks for all the bad news of recent months-years!!! Its been a couple of week with lots of good news, something good might be coming out of next Monday 9th March, lets wait and see, I will no doubt let you all know!…

This really is a fav pic.

Love it.

The smile Jacob is fab. Matts was also great but he is on his knees as you can see ha ha…

A week passed that was…

Amazing, 2 job offers, meeting with CSA, some other stuff (as I mentioned earlier).  Iv also decided to move, maybe to somewhere like Saltaire Village, unsure yet but it will depend on the rent.

I also feel some other jobs may well be offered.  I also now have the desire to get a decent agent for the gigs from mid summer?  Yes Iv had good feedback from my jam nights so this is going to be the year of full life changes.  But Jacob has still away to go to get as good as me on guitar ha ha… he’s amazing!!!

A new link is going up for Hill End Galleries.

Oh yes my back!


As you can see I did get the cure for my back-Zonked out-zzz

Strange week.

Something strange happened last night, my X wife called me to say she has been in touch with the CSA and asked them to leave me alone-unsure what will now happen, she said I should now bow to her as she divorced me after I left her huh? (I divorced her on the grounds of adultery with…), she actually seemed to believe she divorced me…

I had a meeting planned this Fri with the CSA coming to my home-They told me it was confidential but my X knew all about it?

I feel somewhat emotional as she could and should have done this over 4 years ago, Lots happening over the coming months which I will explain at a later date.

The system is completely corrupt and grotesque, Why does the government ignore this???  Over 19,000 vulnerable ‘Dads’ went to the Citizens advice last year, all were on the the brink of loosing everything, how can the CSA take 40% of net earnings and on top of that demand over £150/month in arrears???  All answers welcome…

The other things this week, Iv been offered 2 jobs to get into support which I feel well chuffed about, one is based in Haworth, it seems a great challenge and id love to help mentally ill folks, so long as they don’t keep me in ha ha, Thing is I still would also like to work with school kids? See what happens over the coming weeks…

My back.

Somehow iv damaged my back, havent a clue how but I can hardly breath and move, docs today-need it sortin asap-ouch…

Look closely at the strings.

Had a great night over in Colne, this Feetwood mac covers band were great, they played the Blues rather than the ‘pop’ Mac stuff, check out the guitars!!!

Strings erm.

Look close at the strings, yes the guitars are left handed Les Pauls but look at the right handed stringing!!!

Lead upside down.

Yes the lead work is done upside down on left handed Les Paul!!!

Met some great folks and thanks for the overnight entertainment!!!

Sausage un-rolls!!!

A new type.

Martins Sausage un-rolls!!! ha, still worked though…