Category Archives: Blog


Is’nt it strange how folks meet, and chat, and say things, and say more things and eventually say what they mean…??? I enjoyed meeting you guys-hello soon eh!!!  Had a great night, the night was great!!!

This really is brill.

I loaded it up some time ago but upon listening yet again-its great, soon a version with Matt on the drums will be recorded…

This is Sound-Dave Grohl’s hero’s…

I love this, as did all within that time of motion…

I do think I will perform an important gig (or 2!) with my hero’s… Matt and Jacob Briggs…

Matthew J Briggs, Teenage time has arrived.

How time so travels… Love you tons and see you soon Son.

Top Xmas day, on the snow…

Proper low sledges, Bums on the snow really!!!


Merry New Year and may it bring us good ones lots of Happiness, Happiness, and Happiness…

Maybe it will become regular???

Down at the Shoulder of Mutton again-Monday night.  I will arrive early as I need to work out a decent sound for electric solo project: Naughty Punk Rock Blues…  Live practices-see it develop eh!!!

It has to be done.

I have decided to put a CSA tab up-some of us know how it trashes folks.

To much time off work…

I can only play for so long before I get bored, work and more work in new year.  And the music will also work-cant believe I used to spend 4,6,8 hours a day on my guitar when younger!!!

Snow fighting…

Beats sledging-well not really but thats for later!!!