Category Archives: Blog

My Jacob’s band.

I think this young lot have got something on the go here!!!

Havent’t a clue.

I got CT Scan results back, went to Hospital and it appears I have 2 ‘Things’ on my Lungs-they couldn’t give me any more info apart from, as well as possible Sjogrens I might have another 3 illnesses, FAB stuff eh…  Urgently awaiting Lung specialists now;

A body draining of moisture.
Tears, though try they dont arrive.
Sure it will work out ok?
But squint to see it through dried eyes.

I think I should carry my sketch book.
Only 2 and half pints, Strolled on home.
My hat is firmly off.
To all those folks through hard times alone.

I have never felt so Fed up, Alone and Lonely-I feel dreadfull all round.

Haven’t a clue.

Mumps so I thought, as did the Docs and folks.  Tons of tests and X-ray, and then it was-maybe it still is-Sjogrens Syndrome.  Now called in for an upper body CT scan with Contrast, I have never been so scared in my life-or have I?  Mumps so I hope…

Something in the way…

Many times I go to sleep with open eyes.
Looking to the future back at all those whys.
My eyes close but ears they are open.
Jump and jerk, its not a trip-I have woken.

Many times I go to bed with closed ears.
Hoping not to see, but hear all those fears.
Tears they dry, keeping both eyes sore.
Enough is enough and to want it is no more.

You can hear it but you cant see it.
Trees bend when the wind blows.
You talk to yourself into the wind.
You talk to yourself and no one knows…

Alone, but lonely intense Hugs of mine…
Love my Matt and Jacob big time.

Seven Nation Army, Briggs lot!!!

Great vid…

Back again!

Its been a while but I been busy and also ill-inc Mumps…

I’v just found an old poem book.

This is ’43’,  I wonder who watches???!!!

Two red and one white.
Just remember-dont loose site.
Stay focussed on where your going.
Though sometimes do try slowing.

If no white and three red.
Would that be bottles? Yes I said!
So much to share and give too.
Not talking bottles its love from Stu!

I think its pretty decent-I would say that though!!!

Hello all…

Well I’v plenty to do on here-my site vanished for a month and when it came back I vanished!!! Been doing toooo much writing on MyFace etc…

Was very good to catch up with some old friends but at my old band (somerset Avenue) singer and friend Paul G’s Funeral.  We will all miss you good man-You did something for us.

When the Levee Breaks…

What an insult!

Long chat with CSA yesterday, yes I pretty much knew what was going to be mentioned but its still wrong.  More importantly she said she had seen my site and it was ok if I say so!!! My site is sound-cheek of it eh… ha.