Category Archives: Blog

Me to be a teenager!

Teenage life input time, but at what point do I mention those times – now! I started hanging around with teenagers when I was about 5-6 years old, running with those guys and missing a turning and falling what seemed like 6’ onto the old railway tracks, amazingly I landed on a mattress, they came back and I can remember them saying “he’s not moving is he ok?” I opened my eyes and up and off we went – I had fallen some way over the wall and landed on a mattress… oh I so wanted to be a teenager!Continue reading on HubPages

Happy birthday…

Hope your keeping good?


Bassists picking, have a guess!

Usually stood at the side of the drummer the bassist offers a complimentary back bone rhythm to the band, you might ask ‘stood at the side of the drummer?’ hmmm, well the following bass guitarists on many occasions ended up being the lead act, out of the shadows to drive that passion from the front, with the gain ramped up at various gigs and for different songs it would turn into a competition between bass, drums, and guitar as to who could be the loudest! Bass guitarists leading from the front! check out bassists picking.

Alcoholic or bad habit, which is you?

Alcoholic or just bad habit?  It is quite a tough fine line, but what is that line?  A glass or two each night – what size glass.  A bottle or two each night – bottles of what.  Binge drinking “Oh I haven’t had a drink all week so I can have plenty tonight.”  It all started somewhere.

At what point can you be classed as having a bad alcohol habit, many folks say it just helps relax them after a stressful day either at work or with the kids or both.  I’m sure many folks can just have that relaxing drink when they get home and not progress after the one or two glasses of wine. Its all in alcoholic or bad habit.

Ever wondered how the infantry square worked?

Made famous through the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 the infantry square had actually been around since theRoman times.  So not only sinceWellingtons square – as it was also commonly known – but so much longer.

Described by Plutarch, the Roman legions would use a large full infantry square at the Battle of Carrhae against Parthia’s large cavalry; this though must not be confused with the arrows and spears protection square’s of the testudo formation, usually these had the shields side to side on all fronts and also overhead. Read the full article; history of the British infantry square.

Right here right now.

Got some conclusions at last; 2010 was finally diagnosing sarcoidosis, 2011 was test after test, 2012 is results and directions, getting on track – not the old tracks – but these newly laying tracks even Beeching wouldn’t be able to remove… Sarcoid what? keep a regular eye on here as to ‘blast’ on is good, also will be back on the bike and into playing music again, working on appropriate direction for work.

Sending love.

ER IJCGYOOMH saying hello.

Life long mates?

What creatures stay together for life without pounds, dollars, or euros!? materialistic wealth, does this really create security? we all certainly need cash flow and for those who say money doesn’t matter – it does!!! but it rings to thought of others that do stay together throughout a mating life, and I’m not talking human beings! The following creatures all stay together throughout life’s journey, a journey that can have difficulties mainly brought by those who struggle to stay together, Humans… Check out which animals and creatures mate and stay together for life.

Benefits UK style.

Finally, a letter from the housing benefits saying all is now sorted and in place (I decided not to harp on here (or to anyone for a change) about it until now), they suspended benefit as I had no information about my old house, my old house was repossessed and sucked into the bankruptcy in July, all this was out of my hands. When I told them they asked me what should they do? huh, surely im not the only bankrupt (with a stupid illness) on benefits (not forever as I WILL work again later this year) in the Bradford district? Next challenge is trying to prove sarcoidosis is real to the EaSa incompetent idiots, oh much more on that later…

Try and guess these singers hair styles.

Hairstyles have followed singer’s music throughout time, as we know it is the hair that they take much care of getting correct – fans want the same styles – and on many occasions those looks have been more important than the music! With a few acceptation’s the 1920’s 30’s and 40’s were pretty much very similar with the slicked hair style looks for both male and female, 1950’s started to be dominated by the slightly longer ‘quiff’ as per the emergence of rock and roll stars, 1960’s and the Beatles mop head hair styles, and from there on hair just got out of control!

Have a good close look at the following hair style’s from over the years and see if or how many names you can put to them at singers hairstyles..