Category Archives: Blog

Last drop village

Me and Dad in 1985, I believe it were either granddads 70th birthday or his 50th wedding anniversary, jeez where all that time goes, keep hold of those close to you; absorb all the heat, feelings, touches and listen…

My Dad

Last week my Dad had a massive heart attack, he died three times but thankfully the NHS brought him back, three times, jeez that has been so scary, im so happy to be able to tell him I love him and that im sorry.

My big brother wrote this; A great man, A fantastic Dad, A loving Husband, Solid, honest and true, a credit to humanity……THATS MY DAD

Folk night at the Swan Addingham

I forgot to mention, went to the Monday night folk sessions at the Swan, though im not a folk type musician it ended up being quite a good night, played five songs though I really must practice and get the fingers and vocals up to scratch! will attend again. Nice comments too thanks!

Jimi Marshall Hendrix

Something about this photo of the true gent, what would Jimi look and play like now?

A shadow within

A shadow of former self, thats how it sometimes feels.

Today they have started me on Fluoxetine with a referral back for counselling, we know Pred can play mind games but with some of the memories those games can be made much worse. I often wonder what it would have been like to have a really nice genuine woman to help me when its really tough, I’ll never know.

The medics at times seem more concerned that I live alone, I avoid local music jam nights as I will probably get known as the village idiot even though im good ‘Stu’s a fucked up bundle of fun’.

Today my court stuff gets sent to the higher tier, will publish MPs letter later as at least its confirmed he has taken my case on. My fight of getting sorted carries on, getting my bankruptcy discharge was a relief but also a memory of everything I lost, as mentioned before, mainly through no fault of my own.

Atos, ESA and the failed system

I now have an appointment with my MP Kris Hopkins on Fri morning 13th July, we know the law has not been broken so its going to be a huge matter of principle that the ‘system’ seems to not recognise sarcoidosis, I will be writing an in-depth article on my experience of trying to get help from the benefits system while I was at my worse, which we know the system failed me. Thankfully I appear to be improving even quicker – we think? and my search for appropriate employment will deepen.

All I am after is a system which is fairer to those that can be quite seriously ill but with potential to recover, sarcoidosis is not covered like many other mainstream illnesses, if you put cancer, crohn’s disease, diabetes, and numerous other serious conditions into an illness mixture, what then gets poured out is sarcoidosis, the system fails us big time…

July sunshine is such a rare treat

Look what I found at 6:45 this Sunday morning, I feel sure answers would need to be scrutinised if delivered on a postcard, but it was a glorious sight!

Here comes the sun – for a little while…

The Lynx manwasher kit

I just had to do it, having £10 in Boots vouchers to spend, Lynx had this offer on for the manwasher, I finally used it as advised and used the showertool to make my skin an equal pink all over, very nice but I just could not reach some areas… offers from nice and gentle females welcome!

Low Mill Weir, The Awesome Power of Water

Simply raindrops all coming together, forming this torrent, immensely impressive, not to step to close though!!! This is approximately three miles down stream from Bolton Abbey and The Strid Wood, a gorgeous part of the Wharfe Valley.

Improvement of my chest!

Today I got news that my chest is improving, substantially it seems, so, all round it appear’s my fallen apart body its finally pulling together again! I must really say that all the walking I have been doing must have been helping, next is to get on my bike and get some cycling fitness again. Exercise sarcoid, it really can help, feeling quite happy, living with sarcoidosis! Bring on that appropriate employment.