Category Archives: Blog

Saved from the river Wharfe floods – just!

It came so very close, but the river Wharfe stayed about a foot lower than was required for our ground floor flats to be flooded!

Here you can see just how brilliant these sandbags would have worked against that huge overflowing river Whatfe at Low Mill weir.

A little difficult to work out but you can see the ‘tide’ mark, another 6″ then it would have flowed through the sandbags onto the road.

The river deposited about 8″ of silt just before those sandbags at the gate, the silt would have done a better barricade the those there sandbags ha!

These sheep had a very lucky escape, from the river too…

Tonight im due to be flooded…

The police at the door, and warned the the river Wharfe is due to rise by another three foot, jeez, that’s the ground floor flats flooded, so to press here are my actions to cope with a flooded flat;

But the Doc Martens are so important, I have not worn them yet until the red laces arrive, ah, yes some other stuff important on that settee too!

Just in case you have thoughts about my bed, well that there king size finally comes into reasoning, after ten years it has a purpose, oh, those curves are the nearest I get to curves these days!

I really do thank a friend for reminding me to look after ‘Scampi’ my Chile Rose tarantula!

Then it comes to me, my bed is full, erm, OK I will ditch on my settee, two bottles, feet up, Bob Dylan, sit back and take it easy, we can not stop the over powering force of nature – water, today the river Wharfe burst its banks and tonight it is due to flood us!

Lance Armstrong and the USADA

I believe I’m not alone on these thoughts; cycling is moving on, why oh why bring back those times when to finish in the top 20 it was common knowledge they must have been ‘doping’ so they take all the wins off Armstrong, what then, move all the other cheats up a notch?

A few years ago when cash started flowing into British Cycling, Dave Brailsford  was asked to look into putting a top British road squad together, the decision was to concentrate on the track as it was that common knowledge they knew. Only when the road scene really started getting cleaned up did the Sky Pro cycling team get put together.

I think it is today’s common knowledge that riders do want to ride clean and the majority of them do, I also believe they would wish the agencies to stop hanging around in those red old days and move on, they would be better off leaving Armstrong alone and putting all that cash into sustaining today’s testing, have three types of ban; 1) Life ban for obvious knowingly doping like blood doping, EPO etc. 2) Five years for masking agents etc. 3) Two years for any other lesser types.

I’m far from an expert so those three types of ban are abit vague, but they would be more of a deterrent  than those now, for example, Riccardo Riccò, even after all he had done teams were still willing to take him on, the medics knew by what happened to him that he had tried to give himself a blood transfusion, thing is, it seem apparent the blood had not been stored correctly, a little like trying to put a sausage or black pudding in his arm.

Move on agencies, the era of cycling is changing.

Amazingly bad parking here

I decided to start taking photos of terrible parking, I mean, a busy road and how are we truly expected to safely navigate around these vehicles?

Thing is though, these are business vehicles, it would be very easy to report them but im content posting bad parking on here, its abit of fun but what if I had a pushchair or pram?

I don’t know which is my favourite at the moment though!!!

First two days at Leeds Remploy

Tuesday and Wednesday at Remploy in Leeds went really well, it was good to meet some others who do want to get into work, but for various reasons they struggle to get employment.

On Wednesday we had to complete a group task within 20 minutes, we had a few minutes to view – not touch – a Lego building, the idea was to build one exactly the same, but only once the original had been taken away, in the five years that they had run this group exercise it had never been completed, and now you are left thinking – yes our group completed it within 18 and a half minutes, first time ever and it was spot on, I broke into a mega sweat!

Sometimes its very clear on wanting to see as far as possible, from the top deck of the bus going to Leeds…

Higher tier ESA appeals latest

Well well, the higher courts in London have been in touch, they have asked for my full file, it seems they are possibly going to take it a little further, and absolutely as Atos have certainly got it wrong this time, as mentioned before on 2nd June 2011 I was not allowed to work, I were still awaiting heart, brain, lung, lymph node etc. scans and test’s. I will prove that the Atos assessment is flawed against sarcoidosis sufferers, especially those who end up chronic.

Hold onto your hats as it might get stormy…

Hospital appointment on Monday the 10th Sept 2012

It must be mentioned, I weren’t going to do but my Sarcoidosis is confirmed as active, that’s about a dozen or so in the whole Bradford district that have it like me, its not leaving so we are going to have to reduce the Prednisolone and see what happens due to me being on dosages of between 20mg and 40mg per day, this can not carry on, more scans coming up, I already knew really but its still bit of a shock having it confirmed.

One annoying thing, Atos failed me yet I have something quite serious that is chronic, I have things to ask and sort now as my appeal from 2nd June 2011 is at the higher courts in London, the thoughts are, should I start another claim for Employment and Support Allowance? the ESA offices and or Atos might be reading this, who knows, if so ‘You have got it massively wrong’

Quite some hail dropping here!!!

What a change in looks!

Somewhat of a tramp type looking here…

And then we slowly move on to…

Now we getting there, is it all as it seems?

But decided on keeping the erm, hair, or what is left! but one day…

Three chins, woah, scary stuff!

Check out this bad parking eh

And so which is the best way round that there van? some drivers really do park like what they must be, erm, idiots or stronger…

Leeds Remploy

Hey, I have an appointment at Remploy in Leeds, its next week, this could be a brilliant chance to getting back into work, might only be a few hours per week. They do get quite a few vacancies through, the thing is too, employers seem to put trust in disabled people, that word ‘disabled’ jeez I never thought I would be using it, or actually have it.

And so the story continues, despite all the medics proving I was unfit for work on 2nd June 2011 Atos failed me, the benefits know im genuine and should not have been failed, my ESA appeal is now at the higher courts in London, Im quite sure what the answer will be but this time Atos have hugely got it wrong, I will up date later as I always wanted to get back into work, I just needed the support that was promised and then kicked out!

Just maybe the Leeds branch have more opportunities for employment?