Category Archives: Blog

Bradford City to win at Wembley

It is almost here, I was going, then I wasn’t, I was going then not, and then my eldest son Jacob won two £72 tickets, I definitely am going with my youngest son Matthew! I was and still am a little worried health-wise, but I booked the Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off work. Had a great time with my Matthew and Jacob in Bradford while collecting the tickets.

My first ever try out at Nandos Bradford, very impressed thanks sons…

Best haircut ever there son! they do bottomless drinks, I asked if they would do bottomless Brahma, a very nice chilled drink.

Obviously Bradford City win, and it will be 4:3!!! C’mon you Bantams…

Yes I know!

Had the repaired PC for two weeks, it is running like a dream, I’m running well behind on the catch up, tons to write, be patient and do come back, id love to type as fast as some of those at work, boy, they sound like the old looms in the old mill where I now dream!

Some very raw stuff here

The Rook, these sounds are great, much, much more soon…

Lifes a Game

Lights Were Low

I’m back, PC has recovered after being well cared for

I believe I have had withdrawal symptoms, so much to write, hmmm, and quickly what to start with, that’s quite easy…

Just watching last weeks QT, jeez, they all have still missed the point. When employed at Airedale hospital the huge majority of ‘trained’ staff were hell bent on telling me how they had a ‘degree’ and that they only carried out ‘trained’ duties, yet they hadn’t a clue about the basics.

As I held a patients hand a nurse tried to close the patients eyes as she passed, that was so bad, its the tip of the iceberg to what I witnessed, I complained a few times and each time got taken into the office. Now my pc is no longer ill, I will breakdown all I witnessed at all levels, appalled, absolutely appalled, I decided not to keep in contact with anyone from that employment.

The article will not be aimed at all I worked with as a very few were very genuine, nice, caring and helpful, a very few is the wording, it must also be mentioned the article will not be aimed at all the NHS, last year they were brilliant for my Dad at the Leeds General Infirmary – the LGI, the article will be aimed at Airedale hospital.

Arrogant neighbours

I love where I am fortunate to live, but a few months ago number 13 upstairs were watering plants without a drip tray, yes the water, dirty water dribbled down my windows leaving a mess, it took me five times to go upstairs and get them to sort it, and so they hired a skip, threw the plants into it, and then they were decorating. Once the skip were removed then this;

It is a mess, its been reported to the housing association, they have forwarded my report to the management group, these folks appear reasonably ‘well off’ yet so messy and arrogant.

This is a super polite letter, these neighbours are ill, but so am I, from my experience’s most ill folks try even more to be clean and tidy, even respect others more, yet keeping very personal. I feel sure most who view this post would agree, we do not like to look out of our window at a mess, rant over!

Page’s plectrum

While watching Led Zeppelin’s celebration day, at the end I could not help but notice Jimmy Page uses the same plectrums as me, how dare he? he is a failed biological research scientist, shocking stuff!

You can just make it out while Robert Plant looks over a little sheepish, he knows Pagey is ripping some of my tunes off…

Oh whatever nevermind, I will let him off, but, hmmm, he is still my main hero of guitar, on a par with Hendrix maybe?

Black Doc Martens deserve red laces

Finally, I get some red round laces for my black Doc Marten eight eyelet boots, each pair I have bought get sent with black or yellow laces, but for me it just has to be red laces.

PC repairs cheap and easy

Its a first for me, for months my PC has been rattling and crashing, the decision was taken about ripping the sides off, and so I gently did screw them out, then the sides were still not moving, they actually had to slide after removing the screws!

What i discovered were a couple of trapped wires between the CPU fan and that other fan which is stuck to the side of the panel, hmmm, so I cleaned the dust out, give it a good blowing, ensured all the fan were free and replaced the panel, this time I ensured the wires were not trapped, I also used electrical tape around were they were trapped as some copper was showing!

After putting it all back together something very typical happened…

I have one screw left, work it all out the best I can, yet my engineering knowledge and qualifications meant nothing, I am now left with a screw and a PC that appears to work better than ever until??? Yes I cleaned the dust up silly.

Room with a view

What a nice view, hmmm, but with a little snow I feel sure our transport will grind to a halt claiming its the wrong salt, or is it the wrong type of snow?! thing is, I do have a very important appointment at St Lukes today, we need to know drug and direction, as it has been mentioned maybe different medication? kind of worried about it, especially after the last few weeks, last week I felt dreadful, well, unwell, well, unwell, jeez my body, at least working allows my mind to somewhat keep away from the sarcoid…


And after only 30 minutes…

I think it has been wise to cancel my appointment, they do chat with me on the phone so lets see, I can not take the risk of getting to hospital then getting stranded!

To be honest, it is the first winter as a one in ten sarcoid, and I am – thankfully – working, all will still be fine, the direction is good.

A treat is certainly on the way…

Right, rather than mess about getting a few cheap-er guitars to look like the ones I really want, Iv decided to get the ones that I really want;

Yes the Mexican Strat is cheaper, pretty much the same, but its not a US one.


SG Special Humbucker worn brown.
Many reviews have put the Epiphone worn brown SG on a par with the Gibson but I just need the Gibson!

These are a couple of my dream guitars, sometimes we have to get items that we have only dreamed about, no, i’m not a musical instrument snob but these last few years have shaken me up, I really am feeling that my position is currently allowing me to get ‘things’ that I like, and not through others views!!!