Category Archives: Blog

Today I finally joined The Utility Warehouse family

August 2012 I needed to try reduced my bills, a friend from Ilkley cycling club introduced me to Utility Warehouse, I took out electricity, broadband, land line and mobile phone, these four give a gold status, this reduced my bills by around £25/month, and so this August 2013 I took up the half price offer of £50 to join them and spread my word that The Utility Warehouse really does work.

Stairway to nowhere

Some very nice buildings have appeared over the years, this here is the simple way of how to reach those dark grey clouds over Bradford, very unsure how much the entrance fee is but it should be cheap…
New build

The Fluoxetine has been doubled

What a couple of months, I have gone from thinking my sarcoid is in remission, to then try and progress at work, failing two interviews (that I should have walked), to being given redundancy notice, to the sarcoid making a rapid return, to the depression showing its head, jeez. All I ever wanted was a job that allows me to make a living (rather than surviving), a positive and possibly challenging position, do stuff with my lads etc. you know the score…

Doctors today

I was booked in for Friday, I have had to change it for today, at 49 years old I feel my mind is full up.

Hello darkness my constant friend

Sometimes the low ones appear and go, this is quite a bad one. Perhaps if I had been a complete arseholed bastard then my life might have gone somewhere near to a plan, or something like I always hoped it would. I’m 49, all I hoped for was to be feeling reasonably good and happy inside. Instead, many times I feel my insides are deliberately carrying on slowly giving me shit. I’m sick to death of surviving and not really being able to live. A half decent treat on Saturday meant missing Monday. Working and surviving is better than being on benefits and surviving, but for obvious reasons both are soul destroying.

Redundancy meeting number two

This Tuesday the 27th August at 1pm its my second consultation about the redundancy, Remploy will be present. A main thing is that – thankfully – its been assured that I will have a job. Lots of thoughts, I have still got this urge to progress and help the company, yet at the same time the realist in me says that my sarcoid is still present – in various forms. I still think a challenge will help me, and appreciate the company allowing me to get employment again.

A replacement tooth finally found

While at valley parade we worked out just the best way to fill gaps where teeth should be, and the whitest ever, some good tac tics were also used in the game but this tooth is simply the best idea Matt!
Tooth replaced

My Matt got great results

Well done son, those grades are brilliant, you will make a great scientist and more! Keep up the fantastic work eh.
My Matt

Bradford City beat Sheffield 2:0

This was the bantams first home ‘derby’ and what a game, talk about fast, this was contested at huge speed. Its like teams have to fight their way out of league two but play their way out of league one, its going to be a great season. Wells with a well taken strike on the verge of half time, and after De Vita had his fantastic shot stop Wells was waiting to ‘bobble’ the ball towards us. Wells 2, Sheffield Utd 0.
Matt tired
Matt was very tired after having a few late nights with his pals, but the chanting soon woke him up!

Andy Shaw the Stag!

On September 7th 2013 Andy and Rach tie the knot, known them a good while and it will be a very worthy event for them and Albie! I might even get a suit? hmmm. Mind you, after being the only single male on last Saturday’s stag do around Leeds, I am beginning to think I might be ready for a wife again, maybe this year or possibly within the next 10…

Andy Stag
Now that looks like a good tin of tasty stuff, 100% pussy juice, erm…