Category Archives: Blog

Just a quick update

The last few week have somewhat been taken up with the sarcoid shit, but as my site says; living with sarcoidosis, the good the bad and lots of in-betweens! Went to Airedale hospital today, they gave me a thorough one hour slot with the main respiratory consultant. I feel very privileged. I feel we have a direction, could be bumpy though!? Anyway, I have loads of other good shit to post, keep lucking!


Had the wonderful lady from Ssafa visit yesterday. I must write something major on how they have helped me over the past few years, life would not have been the same without them. Governments sometime seem to abandon some of us and make life really difficult, mind you, all that can be read in other areas of my site – have a ponder!

Too much worry

Got myself spinning too much yesterday, kind of dreading going back where I were middle of 2010, at least we know what I have, its just trying to work out what to do???

DGU 1 and DGU 2

Two songs here from a few years ago, odd as it might seem its the same backing to each song but how different they are. Both very true.

01 DGU 1
‘Don’t Give Up’ its so fucking much easier than said, for the hard fuckers out there – good luck.

07 DGU 2
‘Do Girlie Underwear’ its a message that fit great – I was wrong.

The sarcoid is raging like that there river.

The doctor phoned to say the X-ray confirmed the sarcoid is active, I knew that but Airedale hospital have just started to help so I will help them as much as possible as they weren’t 100% sure what to be looking for. This past few week my site has almost turned into a sarcoid complaints area, well it is but I try getting on.

Raging coid

Yesterday I decided to check something out, bit of a tangent but; A few years ago someone once promised? that they would be in touch again once the youngest was 18, that would have been this year of 2013. I did send valentines and 50th birthday cards, just as a little nudge? Well I decided on the wonders of and Zoopla, sure enough she has moved on in this year as stated she would? she should have got the cards before selling up in April.

Elaine one

Elaine two
Maybe its just me, but I must have taken everything the wrong way, including the bangle that was left perfectly situated at my old home back in January 2006. I would love to have seen her again, or perhaps it was best not to, I mean, state of me now eh. I wish her all the best of luck on this planet we call home.

Though it’s not all doom and gloom

Just been for the flu jab, managed to get an appointment with the doc, he has referred me to both, Airedale and Bradford hospitals, see who gets me first? Still awaiting my consultant’s secretary to call. The doc did say I should be in hospital, nope, ceratinly not at this time of year, where possible I need to avoid ill folks. My lady friend from Ssafa is visiting me this PM, be great to have some female company, just company actually.

Ambulance trip to Airedale hospital

The last few posts have certainly been about the sarcoid, we know its active. On Friday the doctors not only wrote an initial sicknote for one month but have now started insisting that the main consultants get on with me best possible. This is the worse I have felt in over three years – jeez.

So comes Saturday, I felt absolutely dreadful, phoned 111 and they went through the tick list “you need to go to hostpital” and so the fast track responce car got to me and then ambulance. I told them not to send them both, I know what I have but need to see if they can help.

111 = you have what, fast responce vehicle = you have what, ambulance = you have what, hospital = you have what. At that point I discharged myself, not the hospitals fault but I did not want some junior doctor practicing some meds on me…

Back to the beginning

For the first time since I actually started being ill back in June 2010, I feel worse, absolutely dreadful. The doctors have issued me with a one month sick note, jeez I don’t want to go through all that again. For sure Atos got my assessment wrong in February 2011, as did all the appeals almost taking me to the parliamentary ombudsman, but I stopped as it was also bothering my health. Trying not to think too much. What is a sarcoid? this site tells everything about life before sarcoidosis, during, and obviously it seems to stay there.

The best profile for a dating agency

We, well, some of us have viewed the many advertisements that appear in dating agencies, like the lonely hearts and two’s company pages. Most ask for ‘Own House And Car’ which obviously is somewhat materialistic, ok for some but not the many? Today I wrote ‘Young looking dude, doesn’t own a car or home, skint, unhealthy, not desperate, would like to meet woman for marriage’ proper funny, only that I sent it to some work colleagues on the works internet, and then it went around the whole company ha. Mind you, some do not like it, but its only a little bit of fun, oh well…

… It reminds me from when I was in manufacturing management over in Burnley, we were owned by the French Snecma group. One of the managers loved to sing, abit on the Bing Crosby? style, I called Peter in his office and asked if he would give me a song, obviously he obliged. When he started singing I held my phone over the factory P.A. system, ha, what a laugh, he was singing to the whole factory! Mind you, I would say our team worked quite well, it could have got even better but, real life crashed in on me.

Those Brufen – Retard meds seem to work

Tell you what, after starting the new meds on Friday evening, I felt ill Saturday and Sunday, thankfully this morning I was in a state to be able to commute to work, actually felt ok, mid morning I felt I could have run a marathon – erm, anyway, they worked well until about 15:46 and by 16:44 I started to feel like early signs of the flu – influenza.

So, come 17:30 I was ready for the off, took five minutes longer to walk to the station and thought I was going to pass out on the train, thankfully I got a seat, had to nip in the Coop for some bananas, Oxo cube and butter – no booze! Got to the bus stop in time, wobbled home, put fish into boiling water, then add sprouts and spinach, had that, then the meds and one hour later I am typing this and starting to feel o.k. Its just a little bit of a run down as to how the meds seem to work, hoping I do not need to double dose next week.

Today I also started some other stuff at work, well pleased, hope I can get to the end of the year without anymore time off and keep my paranoia under control!!! Its still a big thanks to Leeds Remploy and work, its simply my change in health and life over the past three years that is so frustrating. Apologies to those I insult.