Category Archives: Blog

The end as we know it is nigh…

So, no real shocks for myself. But one thing I am fully keeping my word to, that the system is on the verge of collapse. I have always said it will be from 2020 when the ‘true’ revolution starts to take hold. Don’t forget, since 2010 foodbanks have increased to helping one million folks. The poor, ill, disabled and vulnerable have had a terrible time. Oh, all this while the wealthy continue to get even more wealth. Brilliant eh…

A truth teller…

This morning, on the way to the public bus stop. A couple, from No. 1 stopped me for a chat. They are both prison wardens and I get on great with them, but, they wouldn’t stop harping on about work. Now, this is a first. It was obvious, through their body language, that they were trying to find out more why I don’t? They know I have sarcoid, they even know that ‘we’ tried through the brilliant Remploy to help me. If ever anyone wanted someone to feel anxious and paranoid about being ill, this morning was it. I will challenge them another day. Proper annoying…

Simply the best, breakfast sandwich!

Well, just view this in progress sandwich. How to make the biggest, best, fullest breakfast sarnie possible. Timing is crucial as it all needs to be hot, and the coffee just at the correct temperature as you work your way through the sandwhich. Feeling hungry, hmmm…

Firstly make a coffee, it can then be cooling during the mission of building the sandwich.

Then the frying starts. With the onions carefully positioned, it is best to slice the sausages as they are easier to control for task of transferring to the bread.

Breakie 1

While the frying takes place stick the potato thingy’s into the oven. As can be seen they need to be on a tray and strategically placed to the oven middle, do use oven gloves or some of your skin will get stuck.

Breakie 2

Making sure the bread has had something spread on it, ensure the sausages get to the edges, this is vital as they need tasting in every bite and the sauce does not soak into the bread.

Breakie 3

Once everything is cramped on, then, and only then should the potato thingy’s be placed at very good angles. If you get problems use the mathematical formula BODMAS.

Breakie 4

When slicing, the knife needs to be sharp as fuck, otherwise the cut just does not go smooth and the internal gets savagely town, which makes it a dreadful scene.

Breakie 5

By now the coffee will have cooled enough so it can be sipped between each mouthful. This is an important task as the balance of the breakfast sarnie needs to be in proportion to the amount of coffee sipped. A miss calculation can be a disaster.

Breakie 6

Many times I get asked if the plate should be licked, it’s a difficult decision, if the fknife wasn’t sharp enough then by all means get some licking done, otherwise just sit and stare at the plate and give yourself a pat on your tummy.

Breakie 7

Mission accomplished, shhh…

Banksy gets it wrong, doesn’t he?

I like how thingy, erm, Banksy gets involved, but this time I’m sorry but your wrong. Rather than being blinkered, your work should cover all parties… I need to keep this short as it’s annoying.


Should I be Bemused?

Recently I have posted about the political parties. It’s amusing how folks can pick up on one, and then accuse you of taking sides with that party?! The most recent posts are below, they are using satire, wit, and my view. Now, if anyone thinks otherwise then no problem, you decide who I’m going to vote for as me, myself, and I, we really don’t know! In order here they are…

Will folks not understand that @Nigel_Farage of @UKIP is stating what most are thinking, yet they all get classed as racist bigots, huh…

Got @NicolaSturgeon of @theSNP on my mind. I’m still wondering how high those heels were? Is it true you have a pierced nipple?

It’s such a piercing stare isn’t it? When @Ed_Miliband of @UKLabour finds the camera on him, that look down the lens is scary…

Actually, @natalieben of @TheGreenParty you did quite well Thursday, but if we get rid of nukes the ‘conventional’ defense needs investment.

It has to be said @LeanneWood of @Plaid_Cymru that, erm, your ideas would only work in a 3 – 5 party coalition, far from impossible!

Huh, then we have @David_Cameron of, huh @Conservatives and that other erm, oh @nick_clegg of huh @LibDems your time is over #fuckers

And this chap even got it wrong!

Churchill-first-V-sign - BLIP

Will 2020 be the total collapse?

And so it gets forever closer, May the 7th 2015. This election will be bonkers, a few parties will share and probably cause some kind of chaos. To keep it short I can not help but think it will be 2020 when the voting system will collapse. Is this why the 600 armoured patrol vehicles have asked to be ready for? I feel sure that 2020 will be the year, so brace yourselves…

Who won?

Hmmm, interesting debate, but for me the main point was when that lady got up in the audience during Cameron. She is stating what needs to be stated. Homelessness in the UK, especially those who come out of the armed forces, and then the governments abandon them. If it weren’t for the likes of Ssafa and The Royal British Legion I’d have had even more seriously shit problems.

Those heads-in-sand ‘posh hippies’ out there need to understand just how bad it is in the UK for a very many folks, foodbanks have grown at a huge rate since 2010. Folks are getting really pissed off at the rate of the wealth gap growth and, erm, where were we? Oh, I think Nicola Sturgeon won!

sturgeon sexist

Election 2015

So, tonight (Thursday) it is the live debate of the seven main parties. Will they tell the truth and give honest answers? For me the two main issues are…

1; getting rid of the dreadful bedroom tax, especially for the disabled, ill, and vulnerable.

2; through my experiences and where possible, equal parenting should be given after a divorce/separation etc.

Will any of those two questions be asked, and if so will the answers actually be answers and not answered with a question.

I have pretty much voted Labour all my life, but this time I just don’t know, they are all so similar. Even the Greens are out of touch. Maybe this time I vote for the likes of Yorkshire First? After-all, all parties started somewhere and the next 10 – 20 years is going to see some massive changes in the world and certainly in the UK. Just on a tangent, is that why the British government have ordered almost 600 armored vehicles. I would say these are street vehicles for the UK, whats coming eh…

Churchill-first-V-sign - BLIP

The Eclipse 2015 over Addingham

Well. I did not manage to get any of those special glasses. But the clouds were present, would they clear just enough for an image to be taken as I have the perfect view.
Eclipse 1

The clouds did slowly start to clear, but to give a nice break, just in time seems to be happening?
Eclipse 2

Because I did not have the special Eclipse lenses I punched a small hole into a sheet of paper, then, just as the clouds opened I placed the paper upto a wall, quite difficult to get a clean image just to my shaking being exaggerated, but you can make out the smile!
Eclipse 3

Election 2015 erm…

So, it is around the corner. The most important election in history, could this be a sight of things to come? Most British folks are sick to death of the wealthy getting wealthier, avoiding tax, bankers bonuses, all the rest of that shit. So here is my deep take on most of those that will be involved? V – BLIP to most indeed…

Churchill-first-V-sign - BLIP

Labour – wrong brother, but need rid of that bedroom tax. Will come first.

Conservatives – looking after the wealthy. Will come second.

UKIP – pint and a fag, why not. Will come third after causing an earthquake.

SNP – mean well, and Scotland got rid of the bedroom tax in no time. Will do ok.

Greens – for those comfortable in life, can say they voted. Will get a few votes.

Respect – dear George I do like you, Bradford Labour is a mess. Will do well.

Reality Party – fracking hell, bit of a song and dance. Salford look out.

LibDems – huh. Will lose loads.

Down on the beach