Arrggghhhh, folk’s know how honest I am, and outspoken. Ok, possibly not the best scenario to do so? but, it could also show absolute honesty? Anyways, decisions can be made in that moment that fuck’s us off, so lets just wait a little while eh…
Is the dark above the light? I put a nice ‘flat pie‘ in the oven about one hour ago. Not hungry, just habit, habit? Bad bastard habits die hard, they are even harder to dye and cover them up. So why am I harping on? When folk’s harp on is it usually because they don’t know why they are ‘harping on’ so, ffs…
Ahhh, that oven is smelling really nice, oh, I mean the food in the oven. Thing is, i’m not hungry, that bastard habit I mentioned earlier. A few habit’s need to fuck off.
Being very chuffed at my lads, that I can’t put into words, and how I would love to have been better – on both fronts, that weren’t a bad habit, just me.
Dad day.