Well, I hardly slept last night, So many thoughts: Like 6 years ago I was A Production Shift Manager and after this last 6 years journey im writing blogs on the CSA and my X etc… It must be great not having to do this?
It would have been great to have been allowed to get on with life but as well as the system my mind was over involved… I explain one day.
Awake dreams last night of going on mountain bike rides with my boys, going on holidays, out for meals, etc. but this requires a lot of money. Thing is the music is slowly working with Matt and Jacob and I believe jam nights will start next year.
Abit worried about my home, yes im lucky compared to some absent parents? but iv slowly been ground to the current situation, its not a matter of s**t happens and its how you best cope with it, its s**t happens and your not allowed to get away from it.
Well its Blackpool today for the video to ‘Vision’ and my bet is it gonna be freezing!!!???… O’ and Harrogate tonight!