Yes back in May 2010 I started having stupid bouts of illness.
In November 2009 I achieved getting on at Airedale Hospital as a healthcare support worker. I had started having training for the next level – senior as I was pretty good and had a manufacturing background. Because of my background and experience in improvements the management were very keen. It is work smarter not harder for those who can’t or don’t want to understand – unfortunately at that time many of the nursing staff didn’t want to or couldn’t understand this philosophy. I did witness lots of pointless waste, it just needed education. Airedale took me on board as part of the lean and improvements team, not cost cutting team.
Something that I was really looking forward to, I had started helping the mental health team with a potential permanent move on the table, they would easily have got 20 years out of me…
Anyway = Sarcoidosis started.