Bingley and Shipley

Last night I was simply trying to explain about Shipley and Bingley. Bingley used to be a brilliant thriving town with a great nightlife – Porky’s anyone!!! The Aire valley used to be known as the Engineering Valley, so much manufacturing with wool scouring. It’s gone, most of it went oversea’s.

Keeping the story short; Supermarkets offer and bring jobs, which in turn would bring much needed cash to the town’s. In Shipley, Morrison’s were even going to sort the Carr Lane junction by moving the Carnegie and re-building it within the new estate that they were going to help develop. In Bingley the old Bradford and Bingley Building Society building was going to be knocked down, to be replaced by a low level supermarket with parking underneath, and they were going to sort the road structure out from the relief road to the new supermarket – almost straight across from the traffic lights that are already there.

But the supermarkets keep getting knocked back. It seem’s many of those who don’t agree with them don’t actually live local. Engineering, manufacturing, wool, and all the rest have gone for good. Supermarket’s in town bring much needed revenue. Keighley is yet another story, it has been very run down, but at least they allow supermarkets to expand, and it work’s.

I’m most certainly not perfect, right or wrong, I can respect everyone’s view’s, it’s just those who have their heads in the sand in their own idealogical world that frustrate me.


Bacon butty
When I can afford locally sourced good’s then I will and do, but this will never happen on a vast scale while folk’s are skint…

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