Charity, Ssafa and the RBL

Potentially I have not mentioned enough about these charities? if it weren’t for them, especially Ssafa – thanks Joanie! then I would dare not think too much, as selling the big issue would have probably not been enough. My thoughts; to do a few really in-depth blogs how the charities pretty much rescued me after the various parts of the governments systems – illness – pretty much abandoned me, a terrific women at Bradford’s ‘open moves’ started a ball moving, and to think on, I need to thank her otherwise it were shelter.

These last few months I have given so much clothing to Ilkley shelter, another tangent, once (hoping) I get fully settled and at ease with working full time then I’m certainly going to volunteer my possible spare time to charity, honestly, too much to mention for a simple post, thing is, its also on my mind to write something in-depth about Remploy, and how I ended up with them, the honest truth, some really nice folks do work at the Keighley job centre plus, im harping on a lot now…

As a sub note, I really am tempted to write about the organisations that take on ‘folks’ through Remploy, but that needs more thought as perhaps organisations might not want too?

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